Sunday School Classes

All of the following Adult Sunday School Classes meet on Sundays at 9:45 am.


A class for mid 20s through mid 40s in the middle of careers, starting or raising families, "sort of a middle age, but not middle-aged." Come fellowship with others who are in a similar stage of life, with common needs, goals, struggles, successes, conflicts, doubts, and dreams. We do a variety of studies from relevant topics of our busy lives to books of the Bible.


The Boundaries class focuses on thematic units, learning through bible exploration, discussion, and encouragement. The wide range of ideas and experiences within the class stimulates lively and thought-provoking conversations. People of all ages are welcome in this class. 


MEN'S CLASS | Room 207

The Men's class is meant for men who want to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. We want to allow the Holy Spirit to continually work on molding us into what we are called to be through Bible study, prayer, class discussion and mentorship.  

WOMEN'S CLASS | Conference Room

This is a discussion-based class that covers broad topics that all women struggle with, i.e., marriage, health, motherhood, grief, depression, and any other topic that the class wants to discuss.


We are mostly senior adults, but everyone is welcome. A weekly handout is provided that incorporates prayer and praise and provides the opportunity to review the lesson during the week. Everyone in the class is encouraged to participate in a non-judgment, organized way, allowing the Holy Spirit to grow each heart in God’s love and grace.


Small Groups

Small groups are a great way to make personal connections with other members of the church.

Made up of about 5-15 people, these groups are designed for getting deeper - deeper into the Bible, deeper into prayer, deeper into issues, and deeper into life together.

Mondays @ 7:00pm 

Home of Rick & Becky McCollum (405 Rebecca Dr., W. Alexandria)

This group enjoys in-depth group discussion guided by the previous Sunday's sermon notes and scriptures.  For more info, contact Becky at (


Wednesdays @ 5:00pm  

Room 103 - Facilitator: Joel Eck

This group is continuing with the study of Acts. Contact Joel Eck for more information (

Sundays @ 6pm

Room 103 - Facilitator: Murray Mann

This group is doing a comparison study of the gospels. For more information, contact Murray Mann at (


WOW (Widows & Widowers) Group will meet for food & fellowship. Check the monthly newsletter for more information.

Under Construction. Look for updates soon:

  • Biblical Finances:  This group learns biblical stewardship, and how to apply that wisdom to our lives and finances. The strategies used treat more than just the symptoms, they create long term transformations. 
  • Making Peace with Your PastThis is a support-group study that offers practical, biblically-based guidance to lead adults to identify, understand, and come to terms with the feelings and problems of growing up in a dysfunctional family. It is offered periodically. Check the newsletter to see when the next one is happening.
  • Board Games—monthly meeting especially for board games lovers, playing old favorites and introducing new games.
  • Sunday Welcome—Love to make connections with Sunday morning guests? Put that gift into practice welcoming others to the church.
  • GriefShare—loss is hard. If you’ve lost someone you love, you probably feel empty, weighed down by pain and sorrow. But you don’t have to go through it alone



Meets the last Wednesday of the month at 10am. All are welcome!



Our senior retirees meet for breakfast at Bob Evans in Eaton the first Tuesday of the month @ 9am.  They also attend the Spring Fling & Fall Feast put on by Ohio Church of God. All are welcome!



All men are invited the first Saturday of the month @ 7:30am for great food & fellowship! 



All are invited as we worship with those at nursing homes in the area on the second Sunday of the month.  Check the church newsletter for which nursing home and the time.


WOW  —Widows or Widowers

This is a group for those who have lost a spouse and are looking for others to journey together forward. They will be meeting regularly for discussion and fellowship. Check the church newsletter for the next scheduled date. 



Our Young Adults/Families (20’s - 30’s+ and families) get together periodically to enjoy each other’s company.  If you’d like more information on what is being planned next, contact David Falldorf ( ).